Friday, December 28, 2012

proud to be an Indian !

have been immortalized
let me put it straight
and blunt
this nation will forget you
as soon as the headline changes
and remimd you
you are not the only one
so many
have been forgotten earlier

i know
you dont care
if someone remembers you
or not
for when you pleaded for help
even the god
did not bother to help
i understand that
the pain
the agony
you went through
in those defining moments
can not be fathomed
by us mortals
and even immortals

i am not writing a eulogy for you
i am a very selfish person
i am just expressing the frustration
which has accumulated within me
watching the ' tamasha'
that has been made out
of what you would like to forget
like a bad dream

i am writing this
because something inside me is urging me
i told you
i am a selfish man
and it has become overbearing on me now
not to speak
the events that followed your hospitalization
tell me
what is the debate about
are there any misgivings
about the fate of those who offended you
they shall perish in flames of hell
wherever it is

mind you
they were not only six
who devoured you
there are many more
who ignored you
those who capitalized on your pain
for their petty political gain
then there was this indeffrent lot
who kept saying
so what
all will stand the trial of time
and will be adjudged sublime
the beauty of judgement will be
they will grope for an answer
why me

i am a selfish man
i may not think about you again
but for once
i will speak my heart out
write how i feel about
and as they cover you with shroud
i wonder
as an Indian
what is there to be proud

Friday, August 3, 2012

still be in love with you

i fell in love with you
and there was nothing beyond that
past present future
amalgamated into one
and i lived every moment
inspired by eternity of your love
it worked like a charm on me
and i be spelled by your presence
forgot who i am
and so often i would wake up
in the night thinking that i was you
and then when senses returned
i smiled at myself
and nodded in consent
yes i am you
but now you have to go
no reason no logic no excuses
can explain that to me
so i accept it on face value
Permanence of Impermanence
you will go
though nothing can be more true
i will not be me again
but still be in love with you

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


the entropy of being alive 
spaks a million contradictions 
as sensory impulses 
short-circuit over synaptic gaps 
and project a chimera 
of in-finite haves and finite have- nots
the wandering mind
in unison with this flux
rides a sine wave of imaginations 
oscillating between
the trough of deeds and crest of desires 
the troughs are shallow
and the crests are steep 
and this imbalance 
imponderable and inconsistent 
adds infinite deviations of hyperbolic nature 
to what would have been 
a peaceful mind

have to learn 
to live 
in consonance 
this chaotic calm within me 

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

What is Buddha!!!

a man is menifestation of his thoughts 
his thoughts are reflection of his experiences
his experences are made up of his actions  
his actions are shaped up by his descisions 
his decision are the results of his awareness 
his awarenss is the consiquence of his quest 
his quest arise due to acceptance of imperfectness 
his impefectness is the consequence of being alive 
he is alive because he was born...................................
............................and because he was born he will die, 
his imperfectness
his quest
his awarness
his decisions 
his actions 
his experiences
his thoughts 
what will be left behind
and the menifestaion what he was will be soon forgotten 

Monday, March 12, 2012

being alone...

so what 
if i was there 
all alone 

being alone
is a panacea for incertitude 

i agree 
that my mind did cloud
for a while
as i contested 
an upsurge of emotional paroxysm 
that almost choked me 

of course 
it rained
but then
i saw a rainbow 
iridescent with coherence
a rainbow
of myriad manifestations 
thoughts and action 

i felt 
give way to 
reconciliation of mind and matter 
i registered the correlation 
between longing and belonging 

i was
till then a -  doer
and thereafter
i became a - deed 

being alone
is a panacea for incertitude 

beyond juxtaposed imponderables

of course 
what matters is
execution is marred by juxtaposed imponderables 

an old adage relates
will and way
by direct proportionality 
when intent propels conviction 
the will becomes way
and the way becomes will
to overcome the perceptual impasse

well it holds true
if the gains are abstract
and losses are material  
it may be prudent  
for few
to re calibrate their endeavor 

the climb is steep
the results unassuming
and it may be pragmatic to let go

but for those
believe in cause
effects are insignificant 
and what matters
execution of their intent 
beyond juxtaposed imponderables 

Saturday, March 10, 2012


there was something 
different about her
and i guess
i realized it 
as soon as
fielded us together 
on that summer evening 
as unassuming partners 

would translate her thoughts
into nonchalant action 
without any visible hesitation 
and execute a coup d'état 
to common logic 
with no attachment or remorse
not as a an act of rebellion 
but as an harbinger of change 

would question the solutions
and suggest solutions to question
which were woven 
as Fait Accompli  
intricately in our upbringing 
as default settings  
not as an authoritarian challenger 
but as an inquisitive explorer 

would test truth with lies
and prove lies with truth
with an exceptional rationale  
apparently bordering irrationality 
in dogmatic domains 
of our restricted socio-system  
not as matter of defiance 
but as a matter of deliberation 

would dare to challenge belief
and refuse to get herded like sheep
with firm conviction 
and unadulterated fervor 
by resultant tremor 
not as a retribution 
but as a relief 

was so much different 
yet so much of me 
in-fact she was everything
i always wanted to be 
yet it took time to relies 
that she does exists
while i wandered 
seeking with her a tryst 

on that summer evening 
when choices
funneled into objectivity 
at the crossroads
self-realization and self- preservation 
i discerned  
that i had a conscious
and it is alive 

what is …life

let me look within
and introspect 

what is …life 

is it 
a series of finite situations  
flip -flopped into a random loop
driven by the algorithm of Karma
which accumulates 
bugs and brilliance 
as the program is executed 
layer by layer
factoring the residual merit
of previous boot
till the  blue screen of death
compels reformatting 

or is it 
a complex railway system
on one rail of thought
and other rail of action 
meshed into a  network
of junctions,switches and branch lines 
and the decision taken at each switch
determines the further passage 
and when 
the locomotive runs out of steam
and tracks are worn out with friction 
life comes to a standstill

what … is life 

let me look within
and introspect 

Friday, March 9, 2012

Maya, i See You

i see you
standing under a Rhododendron tree
with a smile on your face
and a twinkle in your eyes
your hands spread half open
with palms facing upwards
and finger facing down
your feet covered with
the red flowers
being showered by the tree
you adorn
a flowing robe
of the colour of night
and the stars on it
as the wind plays with its fall
the wings of the butterflies
clipped on your hair
flutter with the rhythm of the wind
who says
day and night can not coexist

i see you
radiating joy
as the hymn of honey bees
fill the air with revere
and flock of devote birds
perch on the trees around
to watch in awe
the bliss on your face
then they break into a spontaneous song
which rises in an orchestrated crescendo
and fills the valley around
and the fairies
i think
i saw them dancing around you
as their brilliant wings
iridescent with your presence
create a halo
around you
who says
sound and silence
can not coexist

it is then you see me
and your smile broadens
you wave your hand
to call me
and i follow your command
then when i reach you
you insist me to look beyond
i refuse at instance
tranced with the surface glitter
then you hold my hand
and lead me
through this maze of bright and brilliance
to the edge of a cliff

i looked down in to an endless abyss
jump she says
i hesitate
she tightens her grip on my hand
and we plunge together

and then i saw it
an open valley of reason
where cause and effect merge into unison
the sun, the moon, the stars, the comets
coexist in the sky
there is no day, there is no night
there is no darkness, there is no light
there is no joy, there is no sorrow
there today merges with tomorrow
there are no losses, their are no gains
there are no passions, there are no pains

this is me
the reality of existence

you tell me

what you saw there
up on the hill was nothing but illusion
to reach here
you have to accept
i exist
and then walk beyond
the mesmerizing illusion
and then plunge
into the apparent darkens
only then you can find me
no one
can discover himself
without finding me

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

SUMMER OF SALVATION -1: The Deliverance

the day stood still
in a far away cemetery   
on that summer noon 
sky was overcast with gloom 
and wind heavy with hope
he wondered 
will the sun shine before it rains
what he sought defied logic
but then what was so logical between them
everything that bunched them together was ill-logical
they were two meandering souls
who somehow found a common script of joy
hidden in the pages of destiny
and there could have been no better place
then this 
to tie them to a common thread 

he looked at the sky 
it was getting darker sooner than he expected
but he was ready to wait till eternity 
on feet of his belief
reassuring himself that miracles happen
only if you believe in them 
time lingered on like a pachyderm 
slowly and steadily 
bearing his weight upon him 
then it began to rain
which soaked him to the bones 
but he realized that his sprit was still dry
resting on a epitaph

he knelt down at the foot of their shrine
and closed his eyes
it was bright and sunny within
no clouds, no rain, no gloom
his faith had been rewarded with deliverance 
was this not what he has waited for
she stood with him- within
smiling, laughing 
radiating with spontaneous energy 
her hair dancing with joy in the wind
her eyes iridescent with bliss
she hugged him
and he felt her percolating inside
he opened his eyes
the sun was smiling at him

Friday, February 10, 2012


gauging response i did realize
there is much more than what meets the eyes
a bunch of truth, a pack of lies
some measured up formal disguise

then for no reason or rime
why should i take your time
when expressions are mime
with indifference they rhyme

is seek no answer, i seek no reason
its ok , there is no treason
in you world , you live your season

i guess the dust is settling down
no need for adjective or noun
there is no point in playing clown
i guess sometime i feel the frown

so here we go with waves and wind
into the rut of daily grind
but with you i will be bind
somewhere in soul somewhere in mind