Saturday, March 10, 2012


there was something 
different about her
and i guess
i realized it 
as soon as
fielded us together 
on that summer evening 
as unassuming partners 

would translate her thoughts
into nonchalant action 
without any visible hesitation 
and execute a coup d'état 
to common logic 
with no attachment or remorse
not as a an act of rebellion 
but as an harbinger of change 

would question the solutions
and suggest solutions to question
which were woven 
as Fait Accompli  
intricately in our upbringing 
as default settings  
not as an authoritarian challenger 
but as an inquisitive explorer 

would test truth with lies
and prove lies with truth
with an exceptional rationale  
apparently bordering irrationality 
in dogmatic domains 
of our restricted socio-system  
not as matter of defiance 
but as a matter of deliberation 

would dare to challenge belief
and refuse to get herded like sheep
with firm conviction 
and unadulterated fervor 
by resultant tremor 
not as a retribution 
but as a relief 

was so much different 
yet so much of me 
in-fact she was everything
i always wanted to be 
yet it took time to relies 
that she does exists
while i wandered 
seeking with her a tryst 

on that summer evening 
when choices
funneled into objectivity 
at the crossroads
self-realization and self- preservation 
i discerned  
that i had a conscious
and it is alive 

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