Saturday, January 31, 2015

My father

My father is a simple man
With eyes grey and bronze tan
His hugs are warm his arms deep
a charm that spelled us keep
well groomed and clean shaved
always sober and well behaved
never ever he looses temper
weather life chids or pamper
always composed and always calm
his words often sooting as balm
a faithful man belives in God
in days even in nights odd
he wears cold to keep us warn
our happiness always his norm
a loving father a pious man
with grey eyes and bronze tan


the climb was steep
but i kept pushing
with every stride
my legs gained weight
and my breaths became wanting
as heartbeats gained feverish momentum
and sweat oozed from my brow

i felt an urge to stop this commotion
and to be at peace with my physiology
so that the heart pacifies the bulging veins
and a calm returns to burning lungs
but then it occurred to me
that man never couquered mt everst
rather he conquerd himself
to reach at the zenith of the world
so i pulled along
not with a desire to win
but with a resolve
of not loosing to myself

Sunset Sonnets 12


the city stole the tress
barren mountains were sad
skies wept forever
all the tears they had

water rushed and tumbled
such fury unleashed
swell broke the banks
city's existence ceased
water entered the houses
trampled the egoes tall
doused the pritty gardens
and the ornate walls
then it all subsided
the careless mountain soil
obliterated just in one night
years of hardwork and toil

Sunset Sonnets 11


stand up lets meet
challenges replete
give ourselves complete
hands and our feet
lets face the heat
with spiked heartbeat
sweat and sweat repeat
and taste success sweet

Sunset Sonnets 10


While I slept
I think i wept
Something I left
In some cleft
churned eyes in sleep
shallow and deep
see look and peep
some memories steep
some forgotten song
place i belong
clear and strong
i can't be wrong
vivid clear and bright
profused in light
such a lovely sight
sheer delight
but there was also pain
once and again
loss added to gain
were all in vain

Sunset Sonnets 7


Long night
conflict and fight
clinched fists,face tight
one jab left, one jab right
none flinching even slight
pouncing like predatory kite
snatch what does meet sight
winner takes with might
looser dust bite

Sunset Sonnets 8


while i slept she cried
wondering why i lied
she said she did tried
but was taken for ride
nothing is left to hide
let no rules to abide
fallen prophets don't guide
amidst the surging tide
somewhere she wants to hide

Sunset Sonnets 9


When you walk a tight rope
What all you have is hope
the rope is taught, firm feet
but then shall the twine meet
the rod balancing end to end
is in itself a task to fend
one slack on rope or slight bend
may plummet the walk to end
though confidence you do pretend
each step is faith lend

Sunset Sonnets 4

Shuffle the cards make the deal
Spin the shiny roulette wheel
Throw the dice let's play the game
let put at stake fortune and fame
If you win i stand to loose
and that is i intend to choose
for if i win burden is mine
gold is weight what if it shine

Sunset Sonnets 3

nothing is left to maime or kill
now its silent and its still
they bleached the rainbow, raped the hill
with some inflated development bill
spread a farm of smoking mill
and left natives no land to till
looted their land stole there skill
to reap profits till pockets fill

sunset sonnet 1

life sometimes is such a whore
sinks you at the hem of shore
what hind and what fore
tides tides tides more
brine seeping into core
what venom did it bore
guts grind, stomach roar
slime, puke oh! what a gore
who knows what else is in store
life sometimes is such a whore

Sunset Sonnets 2


that brick on the wall
just makes it tall
beyond reach
of one and all
here you walk
and there it stalls
and someday
it will make it fall