Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Chusi Gangdruk (Six Ranges and Four Rivers)

Sons of king Gesar
Khmapas proud and tall
tender as a dew drop
yet impenetrable wall
stood to guard to Potola
Gonpo Tashis’ men
some peasants some hunters
some ordained to zen

Wangdu , Donoyo,Drawpon
Khampa warriors unnamed
like ferocious winds
were torrents untamed
they surged across the mountains
waded the rivers swift
through the nightfall darkness
and the morning mist

riding the giddy mountains
on surefooted steeds
guns on their shoulders
holding their prayer beads
into the vale of Yarlung
where did certain death await
with mindfulness of freedom
walked lung gom pa gait

on southern bank of yarlung
is Lokha region dry
saddled in lap of mountains
which overlook the sky
in this desolate region
one such battle was fought
where cold  courage undid
every lesson taught

by the niymao river
thousands of locust  teemed
their bayonets glinted
their cannons did beamed
they casted the curse of rahu
invoked arbuda hell
and rose to deafening crescendo
yamas wrathful bell

into fusillade of fire
khampa cavalry charged
trampling cutting hacking
as their guns discharged
they broke the red line
embraced victory instead  
leaving on the field
hundreds of vanquished dead

Tan played his trickery
seeking Rgyal-ba Rinpoche entrapped
Lhasa surged on streets
as its persistence snapped
the warriors of the faith
rose  to the hour  
they escorted Holy One
safe and far  
Gaden Phodrang  was thus
established in exile
safe ,away from Lahsa
far away by miles

back by the tsangop
the game of death was on
when Mao lost the King
he pounced upon the pawns
in every nook and corner  
chitipati danced
loot rape and arson
everything did chanced

 the flames of resurgence
were simmering far and wide
somewhere in just trickles
and somewhere in tides
some small actions happened
few battles bigger fought
it was a fight for honor
and freedom was sought  

slowly the weight of numbers
doused the surface fire
entombed  with unmarked graves
ashen with flames of  pyre
but in the realm of hungry ghost
resistance was alive
from the Mustang barren
the warriors did strive

and when Pha Trelgen Changchup Sempa  fell
things took an ugly turn
a bhikkhu embraced maya
inflict scalding burn
he stashed away the dollars
and sold his kith and kin
who lives here for  salvation
in this world full of sin

Lamho Tsering was blown
Rara , Tenzing were burned
the game was almost over
as the tides has turned
Wangdu the mountain lion
tried a last dich stand
he walked alone barefoot
on the buring sand

“ I live or not
its not important now
but the flame must always burn
the mud will once more be casted
into a useful urn
I lie here
so close to freedom
yet I am enslaved
I bequeath nothing to my children
so why should I be bereaved

the  phubra on my back
hurts more to me then dying
my eyes are frozen moist
I think I have been crying
My eyelids are heavy now
I want to sleep on hope
if freedom comes with sunrise
worth dying on this slope

but I know my karma
will bring me back again
to fight few more battles
beyond losses and gains
the six ranges will once gain
rise up their head with sun
the four river rejoicing
that freedom has been won”

thus the mountain line
melted into the snow
and the dust settled
on his eternal glow

the warriors of Kham
and their selfless deed
were lost away in time
its shame indeed .

Friday, June 6, 2014

i may feel lonely
i may feel lost
within me
tangled in my own
trying to figure out
And when
You became me...


you are always in my mind
as a gentle breeze 
which ruffles my hair
and whispers into my ears

you shine in my eyes
bright as the evening star
right above the horizon
when i try to gaze beyond myself

i smell you around me
subtle as a lotus bloom
soothing as frankincense
when i endeavor to connect with myself

you are always there
when i am but myself
as me
or is that in those moments
i become one with you

you and i

lets began a journey
you and i
explore the depth of sea
and height of sky 

find out where rainbows arise 
and mystic lotus bloom
lets search beyond confines 
of our mortal room

let get wet in sun
and dry up in rain
see the pain in pleasure
and pleasure in pain

let there be no losses
let there be no gain
flow into continuum
again and again

discover the joy of null
and bliss of sublime
lets us become unison
with ephemeral time


i am the ocean
i am the sun
i am the cloud
i am the rain
and again

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

song of the sparrows

when the town was glittering green 
there were sparrows to be seen 
on doors and window sills 
on tress that grew on hills 
fluttering freely all around
singing chirruping joyous sound 
spreading endless joy abound 
hopping skipping round n round 
perching nonchalantly on everything still
even on scarecrows and windmill
there were sparrows to be seen
when the town was glittering green

now the town has turned ghastly grey
and the green entombed in concrete spray
lonely are doors and window sills
trees have vanished from the hills
there is no chirruping joyous sound
and the silence shouts loud abound
nowhere sparrows are to be found
how much you search round n round
everything stands just dead and still
having eaten the scarcrow and windmill
entombed the green in concrete spray
the town has turned ghastly grey

A Day In Her Life


i see her waking before the dawn
walk to the kitchen & switchs the lights on 
prepare tiffin for kids for her a cup of tea
with a pang in her heart that she is missing me
then she wakes up sleeping children 
gets them ready for the day
& i know she has forgotten
the tea anyway
changing for her school she drinks it cold
walks out to the car with everything that she can hold

she drives a cute little yellow car
droping children at their place
she reaches school in time
and looks at her face

all along the day that follows
she faces kinder tide
and i know its rough, uneven
now matter how u ride

she stands surges & swon
right upto the noon
be freezing December
or boiling June

then on her way back home
she picks up children in time
and when i ask her how day was
she always says it has been fine

back from school at noon
into next battle soon
make children have their food
no matter what there mood
then getting the dishes done
i know can not be fun
she does it everyday
yet has nothing to say !

after the meals is homework time
which children do as act of mime
from algebra to nursery rhyme
Jupiter Saturn basil thyme
she answer queries & clears their doubt
is this mothering is all abou 4
a nap as evening fades
if she finds some time
when wonder is through history
& magic has learned the rhyme
then there are phone calls
& errends for the day
groceries tailors stationary
to keep her at bay
as the dusk approaches
she makes a cup of tea
& she sips it slowly
just thinking of me
she juggles all these challanges
with skills that are devine
& when i call her
she says the day has been fine

as night kocks the door
work is much more
dinner to be cooked
school dresses to be looked
iron creases, buttons mend
she is the one to fend
assignments form work
that she cannot shirk

suddenly some errend shows
off to market she goes
when she is back its late
she goe & picks her plate
then rallies around children to sleep
her day has been straight and steep
it has been tiring & has been long
she has been living it like a song